Monday, December 8, 2014

Samantha Here!

Dear the unknowing Truman Show people,
 Everybody that doesn't know the characters are in these seasons we have Jonathan, Jacob, Spark, Luke, Samantha, Angel, John, and Josefina (Josie). And if you have a calendar write the names of the upcoming ep: dec. 20, 21, 22, or 23-The Christmas Special, dec. 26-30-Us Going To Paris, France, jan. 1-10-Happy Birthday Samantha, jan. 20-30-Getting a Dog, and jan. 2-27-The Happy New Year Special.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Samantha Bombaroosa Here!

Dear all of the wondering fans,
    Hello this is Samantha B. and I'm one of the characters in the show; and I'm going to teach you what the show is about: Jonathan, Jacob, Spark, Luke, Samantha, Angel, John, and Josefina (the characters). The cast are playing parts as Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks (girls are witches, boys are wizards, and ancient male masters of magic are warlocks). Of course we know sorcery is make-believe and sometimes fun to act as one! In the episodes of The Truman Show we act as witches and warlocks etc. and every episode there's a problem Example: Samantha loses her magic and has to get a wand since the doctor of magic recommended it. We hope you enjoy the fun-filled episodes of The Truman Show!*:) happy


Thursday, January 2, 2014


Welcome to the site of the Truman Show.

Check out our other page "The Cast".